1000 HRS Outside Activity: Snow Painting!
Alexander Findley Community LibraryUPDATE! 2/19 was too windy and cold, so we postponed Snow Painting until Saturday, Feb 26th! Thanks!
UPDATE! 2/19 was too windy and cold, so we postponed Snow Painting until Saturday, Feb 26th! Thanks!
Come on down and paint a decorative bird house! Don't worry if you're not crafty! We just want people to try something new and have some fun.
Saturday, February 3rd is Take Your Child to the Library Day! Stop and see what the library has to offer! Take a tour, peruse our large collection of books for kids of all ages, or just stay and play for
Arts & Crafts for Grownups meets the second Thursday of the month at 3pm. In May, Barb Cooper from FLAIR (Findley Lake Artists in Residence) will be teaching us iris folding and paper weaving! All supplies are provided, so just
Join us for an End of Summer Reading Shindig as we celebrate all the fun adventures we had this summer! We'll be drawing prizes, so be sure to have your Adventure Maps and Classic Adventurer Scavenger Hunt turned in by