Board Meeting

Alexander Findley Community Library

The library board meets the fourth Monday of the month to discuss library matters. Meetings are open to the public.

Board Meeting

Alexander Findley Community Library

The library board of trustees meets in the Young at Heart room on the fourth Monday of the month to discuss library matters. Meetings are open to the public. This is the last meeting of the year.

Board Meeting

Alexander Findley Community Library

The board meets on the fourth Monday of the month in the Young at Heart room to discuss library matters. Meetings open to the public.

Board Meeting

Alexander Findley Community Library

The board meets on the fourth Monday of the month in the Young at Heart room to discuss library matters. Meetings open to the public.

Board Meeting

Alexander Findley Community Library

The board meets on the fourth Monday of the month in the Young at Heart room to discuss library matters. Meetings open to the public.